
"Never GIVE UP for promoting inclusive and equitable quality education to all in Nepal. ।”

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Why Re-visioning Education ?

Summarized by Yogendra Chapagain 

'Our current education has been implementing based on the integrated vision having two concepts 'learning throughout life' and the four pillars of learning, to know, to do, to live together and to be'. It was not in itself a blueprint for educational reform, but rather a basis for reflection and debate about what choices should be made in formulating policies. This vision that choices about education were determined by choices about what kind of society we wished to live in. Beyond education’s immediate functionality, it considered the formation of the whole person to be an essential part of education’s purpose. It was aligned closely with the moral and intellectual principles that underpin UNESCO, and therefore its analysis and recommendations were more humanistic and less instrumental and market-driven than other education reform studies of the time.

The vision has