
"सबैको लागि समावेशी तथा समतामुलक गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा सुनिश्चिततामा मेरो अभियान-My commitment for Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. ।”

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why I shake to catch virgin

I wanna to take fair body of her
As I pass by canteen, I met her life
Then we bolt, above each other
Now I think, I can’t be survive

My mistress is unlike k’s beloved
Her breasts seem to be attractive
Lips of crimson, even I not caressed
Requesting her not to be reactive

Her height is far better, but makes me stress
I wanna to join her as a praise chat
K’s mistress interested to use loins than my mistress
Let me know why I tried to take her heart

She gives more sensual than my mistress does
He is satisfied with her but my mistress doesn’t such.

Clear Picture of Gender Discriminatory Situation of Nepali Society

 The term ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ do not give the same    meaning, though; they are always treated as same in Nepali society. Sex may be biological but gender is social construct. What it means is sex refers to the biological differences between men and women but gender refers to the socially constructed differences between them. In addition, sex is closely associated with natural differences but gender is completely concerned with artificial differences which were constructed by forceful practices in a long history of patriarchal system. In this regard, what I can think is biological essentialism should not guide the gender roles. Moreover, if you have a penis you must behave like a male and if you are born with vagina you have to be female is not justice. In this regard, I would like to say that woman was not born but made.
       Hindu women of the various communities within Nepal often are most oppressed having based on its ideology or norms, values or cultures. An example of such practices is the fact that Hindu women are treated as untouchables during menstruation and a maximum period of 22 days after birth of a child. Moreover, Hindu scriptures also suggest that fathers, husbands and even sons should control women. Several beliefs of the philosophy like ‘’ let it be late, but it should be a son’’, ‘’ the birth of a son paves the way to heaven’’ women are always shortsighted’’ etc are still popular in our society. Another belief which is popularized by the Hindu philosophy is women should be dependent on men for income right from cradle to grave.
     Why our society takes a man as strong, rational, brave and out - going and a woman as soft, emotional, loving and home setting. I have no any logics to prove it.  Why our society encourages the girls to be ‘good girls’ and why they are just treated as labour or sex objects only. In our society girls are often programmed to be weak and soft but boys are taught to be strong and rational. What another interesting activity done in our society is that when a girl is born she is given a doll to play but a boy is born he is given gun or horse to play in childhood. So, our society takes men as superior but women as inferior.
          In our context, women of foreign nationality who marry a Nepalese citizen can easily acquire the Nepalese Citizenship after starting process to denounce their former citizenship. However, a man of foreign nationality who marries a Nepalese woman is not entitled to acquire Nepalese Citizenship by virtue of the marriage. Relatively, Nepalese women have been discriminated to their male counterparts. Likewise, descendant only cover branch of male family member and excludes those women who has married to another family. I have many professional and educational documents which only include my father’s and grandfather’s name. It also indicates discrimination against women.
         What another discriminatory provision is that court approval require for investigation. For example, if a person complained in the police station regarding the offence of trafficking, investigation may be started only after the investigation officer obtain approval of the court for initiating investigation of the case. Sons are eligible to receive scholarship up to the age of 21 or until entry into civil service. However, in case of daughters they are eligible to receive scholarship up to the age of 21 or until marriage. This provision is also discriminatory.
            A man can remarry without divorcing his first wife in several circumstances like, if a wife becomes inflected by incurable sexually transmitted diseases, if she becomes incurably insane, if she becomes crippled, can’t work  or blind with both eyes and so on. This provision is also discriminatory in the sense that when wife needs love, affection and care most, our law allows the husband to remarry. What another activity that frequently takes place in our society is that father has first priority over mother while naming a child.
            Discriminatory wording like Sbhapati, Kanayadan, Pitrikarya, Upkulpati, Sirman, Piola, kulpati, Senapati, Jetha Budha, Param Senadhipati, Pardhan Senapati, Bada Guruju, etc are still popular and used in our different sort of contexts of our society.                                                                         
               I have no hesitation to say that women are not only dominated and exploited by males but also some females themselves in several contexts in our society .We can see such situation not only in uneducated context but also in educated context. Apart from above; they are also exploited in law relating to abortion in the sense that our law does not recognize medical, economic reason, HIV and AIDS and trafficking as ground to safe and affordable abortion service. Likewise, in many contexts, bride’s side is prohibited to accept any cash or kind but groom’s side is not prohibited for the same. Rather the groom’s side is prohibited only to make specific demand of cash or kind from bride side during marriage.
                What I  raise in my voice  is that Nepali women are still dominated by prevailing social and cultural values and even by the laws enacted by the state. In addition, I think that discriminations against women are multicultural. What I want to say is different women have different sort of discriminatory experiences in different cultural or contexts. The suffering of educated women may different from uneducated women, the suffering of Hindu women may different from another one, and the suffering of rural women may different from urban women and so on.
             That’s why, our social norms, values, cultures or social system must be changed through several strategies. Our newly establishing constitution should guarantee non-discrimination not only sex but also gender. Likewise, direct and indirect discriminations need to be addressed, non-discrimination should not be only ensured in public but also in the private places including homes, enterprises, and so on. We have to think that women can also be strong, brave, intelligent, and outgoing, if they get opportunities. Finally, I would like to say that men and women are equal and should get equal status in political, social, educational and all aspect of society until and unless the human civilization goes on.
                    Do you have any sort of suggestions and comments? Please drop your suggestions and comments on: chapagain_y or